Transform your mindset, achieve your goals,
and live your best life
Why join the mind coaching membership?

By bringing new content into these topics every month, we continually evolve into a greater understanding of how we can build stronger minds with consistent action
4 powerhouse concepts, if you learn nothing else, these alone will create transformational change:
Your words are powerful. End of. Full Stop. But knowing how to use language to create the feelings, motivation, emotions and confidence you want requires skill and understanding. In this topic we understand the impact of our words and introduce a language which benefits our mental strength rather than destroying it.
Week 2 - CHOICES
Wouldn’t it be great to make the choices that benefitted you easily and consistently? And how about being excited about the decisions you make for yourself? So often, we know what the right choices are but struggle to implement them. This topic harnesses exactly how to make choices more easily and with indestructible enthusiasm.
The safety net for all habits. Once we understand the need for familiairity we unlock the ability to create new habits easily, automatically and effortlessly.
Week 4 - VISION
We’ve all set goals at different stages in life. However, why do some work and others not? The vision we have for the future is not just an idyliic picture, it’s a specific reflection of our beliefs and abilities right now. So how do we plan for the future without knowing what the future entails? In the topic of Vision we look at exactly this.
"By bringing new content into these topics every month, we continually evolve into a greater understanding of how we can build stronger minds with consistent action"
Achieving your goals
I want to know more about my mind
Knowledge is crucial but understanding is power.
I want to start making changes straight away
Absolutely! Knowledge without action builds a library. As people we need action to make change. This may seem straight forward but many people know a lot without doing a lot.
I want to be supported with turning theory into action
Interaction is what creates deeper understanding and a rooted ability to maintain change.
All this for only £50 per month
No hidden fees, cancel anytime
- Weekly online group coaching sessions
- Q&A Section every week
- Session Replays to catch up or revisit
- Welcome Gift upon joining
- Access to Membership Portal
- Option to upgrade to Enhanced Membership for £90 pm including a 121 session every quarter.
All this for only £50 per month
No hidden fees, cancel anytime
- Weekly online group coaching sessions
- Q&A Section every week
- Monthly Mind Hack Pack with weekly activities
- Session Replays to catch up or revisit
- Welcome Gift upon joining
- Wellbeing Wonderbox every 3 months
Our membership reviews
Ready to transform your life?
Join like-minded others who have taken control of their future