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The Lorem of the Ipsum

121 coaching

The Gateway To Transformational Growth

Focus entirely on your individual needs, desires and goals.
Change the behaviours that limit your growth into actions that explode your growth


“The confusion of the mind is predominantly created by ourselves”

So let’s keep this simple…

If you’re looking through the glass ceiling, your aspirations are on the other side of your behaviours

Whether your goal is to be a phenomenal leader, award winning in your sport or to have indestructible confidence and self worth…

Knowledge and expertise will only achieve a certain level of success

Your glass ceiling is the point where you stop and everyone else carries on… Why is that?

The beliefs you have about yourself and the world around you will determine the actions you take.

These beliefs are subconscious, they’re deep rooted and they are absolutely possible to change

Bringing together the power of
therapy and coaching

Both have incredibly mind blasting results –
but they deal with different parts of the puzzle

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deals with the past

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deals with the future

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Drives from the past

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Drives from the now

The power lies
in the hybrid

90-95% of our behaviours and actions are controlled by the subconscious part of the mind.

These are the roots, the foundations, the core structure around what we believe is possible and achievable.

So if you’re trying to change on the outside you’re only changing 5-10% of your overall behaviour.

Real transformation comes from the joint force of the subconscious and the conscious working together.

So dig those old beliefs out, plant your new ones and watch your new thoughts and behaviours flourish.

The complete
journey package

Bespoke 6 week program starting with the powerful method of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and combining with weekly coaching sessions.

The deep dive
mind map

Clarify your focus, priorities and goals in 2 hours to get you on the path to higher achievement. 

Find out more with a free consultation here